Having considered the “appearance” of our materials at church I have been working to update practically everything.
We live in an age where people’s minds are fine tuned to understand something or someone in a very short space of time. We make very quick judgments on everything and the appearance of our material need to reflect this fact.
Very often a logo becomes associated with what the group or business are all about. As a church we need to consider what our community think when they see our logo.
More to the point, what do we think when we see Faith Baptist church and its accompanying logo? What is it that FBC stands for and believe in?
This is something I want to address and we may cover it in a series of Sunday evening messages in the near future.
Anyway, for the time being I have updated the Beacon and I hope you like it. The church website has been going very well and seems to get around 200 visits a week.
The new Beacon will have regular sections. First, the Gospel. Each Beacon will carry the Gospel message in one form or another. Second, In the News. Each Beacon will give a Christian worldview on current events. Third, Doctrine. Each Beacon will cover an explanation of one of the essential doctrines of Scripture. It will also carry a map, service times, a short message from the pastor and relevant announcements.
Lastly, the FBC logo (family in front of Bible) will be on the front cover somewhere, somehow, but not as it currently is in the top right hand corner.
If you have any suggestions or questions please do not hesitate to contact me. And remember, drop by the church website often to keep up to date with news and announcements and articles concerning FBC.