We just got back from the hospital and Samuel and Carrie are fine. Carrie is very tired, and very sore, but generally okay. She may be released tomorrow, but we have to wait and see what her doctor decides. Samuel is eating and sleeping and doing everything he is meant to be doing.
Ashleigh is finding it difficult not having Carrie at home. So far she has been okay, but I think the sooner Carrie is home the better. Ashleigh is clinging to me a little more than usual, but she just needs her mummy home.
It strikes me that if Carrie and the baby could of held on a little longer then tomorrow would have been the perfect day to have had Samuel. In the UK the date tomorrow is 9/8/7! It would have been so easy to remember! To be honest though, 7/8/7 is quite easy also.
In the US date system I guess Ashleigh was born 8/7/7, in which case it gets a little more confusing… Anyway, here are some more pictures.
The pictures below are quite small and not of print quality. If you click on them it will go to larger versions which will print well. The larger pictures are about 1.1mb each which may take a little while to load on slower connections.