One of my weaknesses is organisation. Some think I am on top of things in some ways, but if that is true (which I doubt) it is only because I put great effort in that area. Naturally I am not an organised person.
God is helping me and I am searching out tools and tips which will assist me in my quest for orgnisation. Before I go any further I will say this. Just short of hiring a full-time professional secretary no tool in the world will help a person unless they are willing to put in the effort. You can have the best desktop software that syncs with the slickest PDA or PocketPC and still not be organised with contacts, to-do-lists and appointments. A great deal of organisation comes down to the individual.
However, that is not the main purpose for this blog.
This evening I stumbled across a great little tool – Swing by, check it out and perhaps you will find it a handy tool in your quest for organisation.
I have find it an interesting experiment but have not yet decided if it is for me.
As I printed out a few pages to see how it works I noticed a problem with the paper in the printer. Upon investigation I discovered Ashleigh had wedged practically all my bank cards into the printer! Thankfully no permanent damage has been done to either cards or printer.
But it struck me that despite my best efforts to get organised and streamline my life, a two year old can still put a spanner in the works!