This morning I met with a group of pastors at the church for an evangelistic forum. We discussed many different elements of evangelism and reaching out to our community. However, the focus and the majority of the time was spent on discussing two main areas.
First, sharing resources and cooperating with other churches of like faith and practice. We all realise the difficulty of producing quality material at a good price. Items such as tracts etc. Many Baptists in the UK keep re-inventing the wheel by working on our own Gospel literature. It was agreed this morning that we would like to share our resources and maybe produce a single magazine that could be utlised by any of our churches in each community.
Before sharing the second and most important decision I will share some of the other discussions.
We would like to work together on Gospel meetings. So, local churches would have their own Gospel meeting, but also come together for a special time of outreach. Crowds draw crowds and if several churches can come together to spread the Gospel I believe much glory would be brought to the Lord.
I proposed a youth conference bringing together our teens and youg adults from across the country. The first could focus on impressing upon individuals to surrender to serve the Lord however He led. We want to impress upon them all that they are the future of the church, and the church of the future needs leaders!
A number of men attended which was a blessing. About 5-6 others would have been there if they could but were providentially hindered.
Stephen Boreland and Peter Skillen of Ballyclare Baptist , Ronnie Smith from Roe Valley Baptist (LImavady), Travis Snode and Johnathon (?) from Northwest Baptist in London/Derry and Graham Anderson from Rathfriland Baptist all met at Faith Baptist Church. We all enjoyed each other's fellowship and agreed we would continue meeting on a regular basis. I believe we all enjoyed and were challenged by the comments made by our brother Dr. Graham Anderson. God give us more men of such calibre! He has a tremendous knowledge of the Scriptures, but also a tender love for the Lord. Men such as Bro. Anderson are growing fewer by the day. He was a great blessing to meet with today.
The greatest decision to come out of today was the determination to meet for prayer. No discussion, no preaching, just prayer! We had many good ideas shared and discussed, but we realise it all comes back to prayer!
We are looking forward to our next meeting and trust the Lord will send revival to His people and an awakening among the lost!