We just got in about 45 minutes ago after a great evening visiting with Northwest Baptist Church. We always enjoy time with Travis and Terri Snode and today was an extra blessing.
Northwest Baptist Church is having their missions conference this week with a guest preacher who is a missionary in Africa. We really enjoyed the message, the music and the fellowship and food.
Pastor Ronnie Smith and his family from Roe Valley Baptist were also there and we were greatly blessed by their family.
We got home quite late with two exhausted babies, and two exhausted adults, but we are so glad for the opportunity to have been there.
It has been a busy day but blessed. Most of today I was at a pastor’s conference at Ballyclare Baptist Church . The speaker was Rob Congdon . Rob spoke on some damaging, modern theological trends. There was a particular emphasis on some of the emerging church movement.
It is late, and way past time for bed. More and more I find I need my beauty sleep… 🙂