Today has been a very busy day which polished off a very busy week! All the busyness has been good, but I am exhausted.
Monday I got home from Birmingham to find new windows going in at the church, then we had some meetings to get new signs arranged, then I had to deal with the printers to get material printed about today, then we had pest control in the building, then I preached at Kilkeel Baptist, then there was something else and so the week went on and on.
The whole week has been non-stop and I feel pretty burned out. Today everything seemed to come together well though.
We celebrated the 8th year of Faith Baptist Church. I’ll copy and paste here what I put in the bulletin:
"Today we celebrate all that the Lord has done for and through Faith Baptist Church.
God only knows the impact the church has had in the lives of a great many over these years.
As man looks on the outward appearance we may seem small but God has accomplished much through this ministry.
Prayer: The power of prayer is not measured in quantity of people, but in the quality of faith those people exercise. Over the years we have seen many answers to prayer in small and great matters, personally and as a fellowship, locally and even internationally.
International Missions: We currently support in prayer and finances the Clements in England, the Perez’s in Spain, Joe Gammon in the USA, the Craigs in South Africa, the Cosgraves in Malaysia and the Jouans in Cameroon. Over the years tens of thousands of pounds have been sent to help spread the Gospel in the regions beyond.
Local Missions: Individuals have been encouraged to share their faith in Christ from the very beginning of Faith Baptist Church. We have also held many evangelistic services for all ages. As well as bringing friends and family to hear the Gospel we have taken the Gospel to them. Through door-to-door evangelism and the distribution of Gospel literature we have taken the Gospel to our community. I would guess the quantity of literature distributed would be at least 80,000. On top of this videos and tapes were taken to the immediate area.
Teaching: Faith Baptist has always had a strong focus on teaching truth by the faithful exposition of the Bible.
FBC has achieved much by God’s grace in the past few years and God has been gracious to us. Hundreds of lives have been touched and we trust helped.
FBC has had a great eight years. I pray the Lord will give us a “godly discontent”, that in the next eight years Faith will grow from strength to strength!"
This morning I spoke on the Purpose and Plan God has laid out for His church. It looked back at what God has done with the church, but focused on who and what we are and how to move forward in the future.
This evening John gave a brief testimony and Kyle and Karen sang for us. The message was on the Old, Old Story of Jesus and His Love.
I thank God for bringing us to FBC and genuinely am excited what God will do in the next few years.
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