Good Morning! Today I made a few adjustments to the site which I hope you will enjoy. My only concern is that it may take some computers longer to load the site. If this is a problem for you then please let me know. Surfers are an impatient bunch and if a site takes too long to load they will often just leave.
So, give me some feedback.
Also, the pictures in the header are all ones I have taken. I may start selling some of the landscape pictures through our site to help with our support level. Keep checking back and I’ll let you know of any developments.
Lastly, the books on my recommended list are part of an associate program with Amazon. If you see a book on the list you are interested in, click on it and order it through amazon then I get a percentage of the revenue.
I hope these things do not sound like I am trying to get rich quick, I am just trying to take some measures to supplement our income and remain on the field.