Last night, about 8pm, I got a phone call from one of the men in the church, John, he has been working tirelessly to get our latest edition of the Beacon distributed. His son, Stephen, is a great guy with a heart for evangelism. With some friends of his he gathers each week and they go out and witness to people on the street. Last night they were looking for some thing to do and John recommended putting the Beacons out. That sounds bad actually… he suggested giving out Beacon magazines (that sounds better).
So, I met John and the 3 teens down at the church and we spent some time going door-to-door giving out the Gospel literature. It was cold, dark and most teens would have chosen to do something else, but these three have a heart for God and they choose service to others instead of selfish desires.
I thank God for them and would ask you to pray for these guys as they grow. Stephen is a member of the church and his two friends, Myles and Stuart, are members at another church.
Pray also that the Beacon would be well recieved and that from this labour we would see some fruit.
Click here or on the picture to read a PDF version of our latest Beacon. (This is a lower quality version optimised for the web)