Merry Christmas!
Well, I am up, dressed and waiting on everyone else. 🙂 Ashleigh has still not hit that "Its 4am let’s open presents" stage yet, thankfully. God has blessed us with a circle of very generous friends so Ashleigh has a long day of opening presents ahead of her.
Once the children are up we will open a few presents, have breakfast and then head out to church for 10am. We have a short Christmas Day service and then we will come home. We will probably open a couple of more presents and then we will start on the mammoth task of cooking Christmas dinner (Thankfully we prep’d the vegetables last night before going to bed).
While we will enjoy today I am very much aware of those in this country who will not be celebrating Christmas today, not necessarily out of choice, but because of poverty or forms of modern day slavery. Then there are those missionaries all over the world who are in countries where Christmas is either rejected or simply unknown, or just very different from the countries they come from. If you read this then take time to pray for those whose situation may not be as blessed as your own.
I thank God that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. Whether Christ was born on December 25 or some other day of the year it does not matter. What matters is that Christ did come to earth and He did die paying the price for my sins. Because of Christ I can know peace with God, forgiveness for sins and know that one day I will go to Heaven to be with Him!
Merry Christmas