Today has been very busy, but very good.
This morning we started our Sunday School again. Our usuals are back and we hope to add to that number over the next few weeks.
This morning Stephen Baker preached and it went well. His style and personality are well suited to our church and I am sure he will do well over the next couple of months.
This afternoon Carrie and I visited with the Silversons and had a good time with them. Then it got really busy.
Stephen and I went to Ballyclare Baptist and I preached a Gospel message. Then we left from there and went straight to Faith arriving just around the end of the song service. I walked in the church, into the pulpit area, sang two verses and then got up and preached again.
I came home and spoke with one of the young men in the church who met us here. The Lord is working in his heart about a few things and there are some exciting developments. Over the next few months I’ll be able to share more about that situation.
One of the young ladies from Ballyclare Baptist, Laura, was also here and so while I spoke with Stephen the Bakers, my wife and Laura ordered Chinese. Thankfully they saved some food for Stephen and I.
So, the day has been busy but enjoyable. I feel the Lord greatly blessed both times I preached.
I feel like a lot of things are coming together now just as I am leaving for the US again. I have some evangelistic ideas which Stephen will be developing and implimenting while we are gone. I am excited about these ideas and frustrated about not being here to try them. However, I know we are doing what the Lord would want us to do and so find some comfort in that. The youth ministries are getting bigger and I am excited about the potential growth.
So, it is a blessing that great things are happening, discouraging to have to leave at this point in time but also comforting that these things will happen despite my absence.
Faith Baptist Church are on the verge of seeing some great things happen so please pray for us.
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