Tomorrow we leave Belfast International Airport and begin four months on the road to hopefully complete raising our support. Our two months in the US in 2006 were a great blessing and the Lord provided an increase in our support during that time. However, to get it up to the necessary level we must go out once more.
We leave Belfast tomorrow at 11:00am. It is nice not to have too early a flight. We arrive in Newark, NJ at 2pm Eastern time (7pm GMT). We have a short wait and then at 6pm we board another plane and fly two hours south to Charlotte, NC. Ron Cole will be collecting us when we arrive at 8pm Eastern time (1am GMT).
So, it will be a long day but we pray all will go smoothly.
Pray for the children as they both have colds and really could do with a couple of days just resting. Pray that they would not be congested as we fly and that they would enjoy the trip.
I would appreciate prayer also as some physical problems may make the journey difficult for me also.
Finally, please pray that we would not just raise the support we need on this trip, but that we would be an encouragement and challenge to all those we meet.