On Monday February I arrived back in Greenville, SC with my family. I had a couple of days at home and then on Wednesday I travelled to Brunswick, GA. This week has been wonderful!
On the 6th of February I was with Emmanuel Baptist Church. That evening I was able to preach and the Lord greatly helped me. I found the church receptive and could have preached all night if it were possible! The pastor and people here have been great.
On Thursday and Friday morning we came to the school. Today I had the chance to preach on the High School’s chapel and then speak to a few classes. It has been so much fun spending time with these teens and young people. I want to thank them for giving me the opportunity to be here. If you are reading this and you were in the school today, why not leave a comment and say hi?
I will be back in services here on Sunday at some point. God has been so good to give me the chance to be here.