Last year I taught a few hours in the Bible school on the Gospel
According to John. One book in my library on John was by a Pastor Max
Alderman. Well, on Sunday I had the privilege of preaching in his
For Sunday School I was with the 40-60 year olds and I believe
had a good time… well, I had a good time. It was just a very open
time together.
Pastor Max preached in the morning service. It was one
of the few chances I have had since I have been here to sit and listen
to preaching and I really got a lot from his message.
In the afternoon
we went to the preacher’s home and enjoyed a delicious lunch and then
rested a while. We returned to the church and in the evening I was to
At this church they project selected Scripture verses and your
main outline points on the screens. This is not something I am familier
with but I like it. We live in a very visually orientated generation
and I believe this helps people learn. It was a large crowd but I felt
great liberty to preach and enjoyed the evening. Like others I felt a
strong connection with the church and their pastor and feel sure some
lasting friendships have been made.