Since Monday we have been in New York state. The further north we drove the more snow we saw lying on the ground – just patches left over from the thaw.
We have been staying at Faith Baptist Church in Warrensburg, New York.
Faith Baptist Church – Warrensburg, New York
While we are here we have been staying in a room that use to house their academy. It has been a comfortable visit with easy access to the internet, which is always an added blessing.
The town in which the church is based is a small, country town with many old buildings that have an almost artistic look to them. I think I remember hearing that up here in the north they have older buildings in general due to the aftermath of the civil war when many places in the south were destroyed.
A large river flows through the town, well, with the current thawing happening it is more like a raging torrent.
The church has been great to visit and I can appreciate the hard work the pastor has put into starting and continuing this ministry.
Lighthouse Baptist Church – Schenectady, New York
As we drove up north I saw this town’s name on a sign and could not figure out how to pronounce it. Little did I know I would need to figure it out as we would be visiting a church there.
Lighthouse Baptist Church have a key speaker this week, a missionary in Suriname whom I met at Heritage Baptist Church a couple of months ago.
On Thursday we had dinner in Jamie and Deanna Wopplehorst’s home. They were wonderful hosts and I enjoyed the fellowship.
The church family were a pleasure to meet. From the pastor to people in the pews there was a lot of laughter which was great to hear.
Emmanuel Baptist Church – Ballston, New York
Emmanuel had similarities with church back home in that they meet on a second floor and share the building with other businesses.
I had a good time of fellowship and really enjoyed preaching the evening we were there.
I think tomorrow we will hit the road and head toward somewhere in New Hampshire. We will be there for a week and then I begin my final stretch before heading for home.
Please continue to pray for us.