Sunday evening one of the men at Bible Baptist called a pastor he knows
who lived near by, Matt Trim. Pastor Trim used to be in the military
and served for a while in the United Kingdom. God has given Matt a
tremendous burden for the UK, Scotland especially. So, we made the time
to meet up.
Now, that time ended up being at 6:30am on Monday morning. We met for
breakfast and enjoyed a few hours of food and fellowship. We share many
similar burdens and have many of the same dreams and aspirations.
Again, it is a new friend that I am sure will last through the coming
Later that day we drove to Hinesville, Georgia, to be with
Pastor Parrish for their revival. That evening Ron Cole preached a
stirring message on Christ and how Christ went a little further.
Let me
share a little here about Ron Cole. Ron is not the on the mission field
so called and so you may never hear from him. Nor does he get much of a
chance to get on the road and preach, so you may never meet him. Ron
does not speak on radio or write books, so in that sense he may never
be famous. Compared to some his recognition in this world may be
minimal. However, I do not believe there are many others in the world
today who are having as much an impact on world missions as Ron Cole.
Ron’s work is in the back ground enabling thousands of missionaries
around the world to continue their work. He may not get to directly
speak with many, but indirectly he is involved in the salvation of tens
of thousands. He may not constitute churches, but indirectly he has
helped and continues to help constitute hundreds. I thank God for Ron
and his family. They are missionaries and are also raising support to
do their part in the Lord’s work. I would encourage you to contact HELP
ministries in Brandon, Florida and support Ron in his ministry.
well, I know Ron’s daughter is currently experiancing some health
difficulties and ask that you would pray for her and for th doctors to
have wisdom.
Anyway, Ron preached a great message Monday and one young
girl came to the Lord to be saved!
On Tuesday we rested a while and then in the evening T.J. Tilley
preached. I’ll save telling about Tilley another day.
On Wednesday I
and three other missionaries got up at 3am and drove around 600 miles
from Hinesville, Georgia to Charleston, West Virginia. We drove through
Georgia, South Carolina, North carolina, Virginia and finally into West
Virginia. The UK landmass would have run out somewhere in Norther
Carolina I think…
It was a long day, but God gave grace. We arrived around 3pm and met
Pastor Miller and Mark Ruby. Jackie Miller is pastor of Elisabeth
Missionary Baptist Church.
The church and one of the families in the
church have faithfully supported me for around a year. However, this is
the first chance I have had to meet them. The love and friendship in
this church is obvious and enduring.
Tonight, at relatively short
notice, 30 or 40 individuals met at a local park and we ate hotdogs and
shared songs and testimonies. I would try to describe that time of
fellowship but it was one of those times when you just had to be there.
I would ask you to pray for one of the men in the church, Walter
Dunlap. He has fought cancer for two years now and continues his
struggle. Pray for God to heal him completely if that would be God’s
Helen Ruby and her son Mark have opened their home to us. We have
felt very comfortable here and indeed feel at home. It is great to have
the time to get know them better. I have several pictures to share but
that will probably have to wait until tomorrow.