This request has to be worded carefully because of the nature of the
missionary’s field and work. I will just copy and paste what Travis
Snode has put on his site:
Many of you have met my good friend from college. I cannot
mention all of his name because of his work in North Africa, but I
wanted to ask you to be in special prayer for him.I am not sure what is wrong but he has had a problem with his lungs
for the past year. He has just battled through for the last year, but
things got so serious that they flew home yesterday to Cincinnati, OH
to get immediate medical attention. Aaron is one of my closest
friends, and I am very concerned about him right now, so please be much
in prayer.
They are in a hospital in Ohio. We just got off
the phone with his wife. All the tests from last night were positive
and so very good. They did cat scans and other tests and all other
organs are in good shape. The lymph nodes are in good shape.The lung is the only problem. The entire bottom lobe of the right
lung is collapsed and filled with some sort of fluid. They are not sure
if it is pus or blood.Right now they have put him to sleep so that they can send the scope in to check out his lung. We should have a report soon.
Thank you for praying.
I just found out that they say that he has a growth in his
lung. They do not know if it is a malignant or benign tumor. They will
know something in a day or two. Please continue to pray.Please continue praying. The latest news is that it is a 50% chance
that the growth is cancerous. The results will be in on Monday, Lord
willing! Please continue to pray.He will be released from the hospital later today and return on Monday for the results.
I can tell you this young man and his fmaily need prayer right now.
His family are young and the burden on them must be very heavy.
Please check or back here for further updates.