Through the wonders of technology I have the opportunity to keep up with many missionaries around the world. Most I have met, some I have not. One that I have met is currently suffering with serious health problems. Please pray for the one who is sick and for the family.
The update comes via Travis Snode from Austin Gardner :
I just got this update from Austin Gardner and wanted to ask you to be in special prayer.
Our friends landed in Cincinnati, Ohio yesterday from North Africa. They basically went straight to the hospital. Mark Coffey got a call and let me know that they made it. I am sure that it was a hard trip for our friend in his present condition.
We got a call last night from J, the wife, at 11:30. The husband was having test after test room all afternoon and night. She said that they had done more in one evening than would have been done in North Africa in a month. She was very tired obviously from the travel and no sleep.
The children are with her family and she was at the hospital as much as she could be. Though she did have to run errands to meet her husband’s needs and cravings.They have run several tests and can not figure out what is happening. There are more tests taking place this morning. I was promised a call and will immediately post when I hear something.
Some of you may have later or better news than I do so if you do please be sure and add it in the comment section if you would.To be honest with you I feel like we need to be specially praying. Something is wrong. They kept him at the hospital even when he was so exhausted after all the travel. They put him through a battery of tests. They do not know what it is or what to do.
Pray that God would give them wisdom. Pray that God would direct the doctors, touch his body, heal him and get him back into the work soon.
God bless each of you that have been so kind to comment and to call asking. They delight in knowing that you love them and are so concerned.
God bless each of you. I preached on Sincere Love for Other believers last night and I know that it is true of many of you towards this very special family.
God bless you so much.
I am sure their request echoes that of Paul’s in I Thessalonians 5:25 – Brethren, pray for us.