Some may remember that Ashleigh spoke her first sentence when we were
last here in the USA on deputation.
I end up spending time away from
family which is hard for the whole family, but especially on the
children who do not understand. Ashliegh’s first sentence was, Daddy’s
away. That was a heart breaker.
Well, my baby did it to me again last
week. She often asks Carrie, Mummy, where’s my Daddy? I think it’s
cute, she always says my daddy or my mummy . Anyway, Carrie most often
replies, Daddy’s in Georgia. This time Ashleigh asked the question,
Mummy, where’s my daddy? Carrie gave the answer, Daddy’s in Gerogia and
she thought that was it. A few moments later Ashleigh came back and
said, Mummy, I don’t like Georgia.
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