We just got back from final meetings with Northside Baptist Church and
Trinity Baptist Church in Thomasville, Georgia. Both churches have a
long history of serving the Lord through faithful stands on the truth
and consistent support for local and worldwide missions.
It was an
answer to prayer that Pastor Morris Nichols was able to be with us at
Northside. Pastor Nichols is an older preacher and recently has had
some serious health problems. Yet, God was gracious and brought him
through and enabled him to continue serving. During a time of prayer
before services this week Pastor Nichols shared how close to God he
felt, how real the presence of God was when he faced this recent trial.
As he spoke his eyes filled with tears and his voice broke, I am sure
if we had been in the Old Testament era his face, like Moses’, would
have shone.
You really can tell when a person is walking close with the
Lord. He reminded me very much of Pastor Norman Eoute at Faith Baptist
Church in Simpsonville, South Carolina. Both exhibit a close walk with
the Lord and every time they speak they flow with wisdom and
experience. Such men as Morris Nichols, Norman Eoute and Tom Dotson are
few and far between.
These great men of God have powerful and effective
prayer lives, loving and consistent preaching and I sincerely believe
they have more eternal influence than a 1000 Joel Osteens combined! God
give us more men like these.