A couple of weeks ago we finished several series at Faith that we had been running for a while. In the mornings we have been considering our walk with God and we had four messages on walking in the Word and four messages on walking in prayer. If we get our prayer life and Bible reading right then most of the problems we face will be easily overcome.
In the evenings we have had 10 messages on resurrections in the Bible. We considered first of all the absolute certainty that every person will one day be raised; some to judgment and others to reward. Then we studied each of the passages in the Old and New Testaments that spoke of individuals being raised from the dead. Most of these messages are available to download from the church website or from a previous posting here.
Beginning Sunday, 7th of September we will take a bird’s eye view of I Corinthians. Each message will consider one of the major issues Paul confronted at the Corinthian church. I am planning on 8 weeks for this over view.
Also on Sunday 7th, in the evening, we will begin a 4 week study on Heaven. I may extend this to 6 weeks but I will see how the Lord leads. Then for the final 2 weeks in October we will take a very current issue and look at it from a Biblical perspective. We did this last year and studied what God has to say about anger, addictions and (bio-ethics).
Before all that kicks off though, we have a prophecy Sunday (tomorrow). In the morning we wil consider the vital importance of prophecy. In the morning we will take a very high level look at the Millennial Kingdom, we will be spending a 1000 years doing something and I think we can find out a lot right now.
Next Sunday my own pastor, Tom Dotson, will be coming over from England to preach for us. I cannot tell you how excited I am about this visit!
Plan on being at every service and do not forget our ongoing verse-by-verse study of Ephesians at our midweek Bible study and prayer meeting.
I look forward to seeing everyone there!