Due to a number of obstacles my pastor, Tom Dotson, has not had the opportunity to visit with us here in Northern Ireland. We have wanted to arrange the trip for a while but it just ha snot been possible until now.
Yesterday I collected Pastor Dotson and Mrs. Jane from the airport and we have been enjoying a time of fellowship and catching up. There is something special for me about having my pastor visit the church where I now pastor.
Last night as we sat in the living room Pastor Tom had just as much time for the children as he did for us. At one point Ashleigh was talking about being afraid and so pastor began talking about the love of God and then led into sharing the Gospel with her. A little while later Ashleigh mentioned that sometimes she was naughty, and pastor began to share about what sin is and how Christ has paid for our sins.
And that is who my pastor is, he is a witness for Jesus Christ. The greatest gift any individual could give to my child is to tell them about Christ, and my pastor has done that twice within a couple of hours.
I know Mrs. Jane and Carrie have enjoyed talking and Carrie always enjoys learning all she can from her.
We are so excited to have them with us and we truly do thank the Lord for the impact they have had on our lives, and now on the lives of our children.