The last few weeks have been quite busy as we made plans to move. Carrie has worked very hard and very smart in packing up the house. We still have a little to do but I think most of the packing is done. However, things will certainly speed up in the next few days.
Here is a brief list of the activites over the next two weeks:
- Monday, 20th October – Collect rental van and load up
- Tuesday, 21st October – Take ferry to Scotland, drive 3 hours to Sunderland and begin to unload
- Wednesday, 22nd October – Complete unloading and prepare house for family
- Thursday, 23rd October – Return to ferry in Scotland and come home to Ulster
- Sunday, 26th October – Final Sunday as pastor of Faith Baptist Church
- Monday, 27th October – Carrie and the children fly to London
- Thursday, 30th October – I lecture at the Bible School
- Thursday, 30th October – Immediately after the Bible school I take the midnight ferry to Scotland and drive to Sunderland to drop off a few items
- Friday, 31st October – I drive 6 hours south to my family for my brother’s wedding
- Saturday, 1st November – My "little" brother gets married
- Monday, 3rd November – My family and I drive 6 hours north to Sunderland
- Tuesday, 4th November – I preach at Bethesda Free Church
- Wednesday, 5th November – I decide to never travel again
- Thursday, 6th November – Meeting with leaders at mission halls in Sunderland
- Sunday, 9th November – Formal induction and welcome to the new work
Please do pray for us over the coming weeks. Those are just the highlights and there is much to be done in-between.
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