It has been a good few days at Faith and for our family.
On Friday we did not have any teens turn up for our meeting. So, two of our young men, Stephen and Alan, went out to find them. We operate on the basis that if they will not come to us then we will go to them. Stephen and Alan spoke with a number of teenagers and at the end of the evening after speaking with a group for over an hour they led them to the Lord.
On Sunday evening we accepted Alan into membership. Alan is 19 and studying archeology. We were discussing yesterday how amazing it is that archeology keeps affriming what we already believe about Scripture. Maybe one day he will write a book on Biblical archeology. 🙂
As a family all is going well. In about 5 minutes I will go to collect the moving van. God has been blessing with love offerings coming in to help with the expense of moving, people volunteering to help move furniture and boxes, we have been released from the contract we have at this house early with no charge and the new house in Sunderland is ours.
We are thankful for all God has done for us and for all the help we have received.