Boxing Day – a British holiday, takes place on the 26th of December when people box up all the unwanted gifts and give away… or is it the day after Christmas when every one fight and box over the gifts that others got that they wanted… well, none of the above really, I’ll explain more another time perhaps.
Today we drove 5 hours south to spend a week or so with family. We arrived after an uneventful trip to my parents house for a great time. It was a full house with brothers, cousins, aunts, a niece, pets and so on. It really was good to see my cousin who is in the military and been away for a while.
We had a big meal together, opened some gifts and just had a good time.
While we are down here we will be staying with our good friend, Angela Baker. Angela is from the United States and is in the UK teaching in a school where I formally went and was started by my pastor at Brimpton Baptist Church.
We have had a full day, but it has been good and we really appreciate Angela opening her home to us.