Since moving to Sunderland my blog habits have seriously been affected. I guess with such a massive change in routine, new responsibilities, old ones passed away, it has been difficult.
This week has been eventful. On Tuesday I took part in my first funeral service. Of course I have been at funerals before, but this one I actually preached. In each message, as preachers, we hope to directly effect the hearers. At a funeral you want to convey the peace of God along with other things, and it is hard when you know the words are so easy to say but the action is much harder.
The Lord gave grace, though, and I believe the Scriptures were a comfort to those who attended.
Yesterday I started feeling ill and by the evening I could tell I was coming down with another stomach bug. It seems we, as a family, have constantly been struggling with some illness or another since we arrived here. Anyway, it made for a rough night, but I am beginning to feel better. I decided to sit down and watch some Saturday morning TV earlier and the only types of programs I could find were food programs! Oh well.
Carrie is well, but tired. We eagerly await the arrival of our baby. I think Tuesday is the most convinent time for the baby to arrive this week, Carrie says the baby will come when he/she is ready.
Tomorrow the labour begins in earnest to evangelise the comminities around the two mission halls. It is the first Sunday with the service time change at Hallgarth. I believe being at both halls every Sunday will bring numerous benefits. I have 2,500 leaflets for both areas which I hope to have distributed in the coming 4 or 5 weeks.
The primary effort for growth this year, I believe, may well be through reconnecting with people who used to attend but have for a variety of reasons fallen away.
Please pray for us tomorrow as it is a major focus on stirring up the people and, by God’s grace, generating the zeal and passion to continue and increase our labours.