Yesterday morning, around 9:30am we left Mauldin, South Carolina and headed
for Goodlettsville, Tennesse.
We had a great trip for the most part. The children behaved well and we
were kept safe. Samuel had to stop to use the bathroom about 15,000
times, but that was okay, better than the alternative.
But something happened as we approached our destination. As I exchanged
messages with our host I realised that there was some confusion about
the time of our arrival. Bro Stagner was operating on Central Time but I
was still in Eastern Time. For the next few hours I struggled to figure out
what the time really was; I tried to figure it out on my own and just
became more confused. Eventually it all became clear.
Now as I reflect upon it a more serious thought convicts me. How often
do I operate in a different time zone to God? He’s trying to impress upon
me urgency, but I’m moving slowly. Or I’m in a hurry but God’s not. Other
times I presume upon the future, gambling that something I should do
now I can probably do then. Sometimes I presume upon someone else’s
future, figuring that they can hear the Gospel tomorrow, when in fact
today is their last.
In God’s timezone there is, in many respects, no past or future, only the
present. We must align our time zone, our plans, desires and dreams to
His zone, His plans, His desires and His dreams.
What are you doing with your time? If you know God, serve Him. If you do
not know God then repent of your sins, put your trust in Christ and
receive Him as your personal Saviour.
God help us to redeem the time.
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