Then Came Sunday
Jesus was my Master; I had crowned Him King.
I believed that He was God; The Mighty Lord of everything.
Then my Lord was crucified, all my faith was lost.
Every dream I dared to dream, died upon that cross.
Then Came Sunday and Jesus Christ arose
Crushing the enemy, conquering all His foes
Hallelujah, King Jesus has prevailed.
Satan claimed the victory, then came Sunday.
Low in the grave He lay. Jesus my Saviour.
Waiting the coming day. Jesus my Lord.
Then Came Sunday and Jesus Christ arose
Crushing the enemy, conquering all His foes
Hallelujah, King Jesus has prevailed.
Satan claimed the victory, then came Sunday!
Jesus seemed so helpless, suffering in chains
Torutred by the Roman guards, the victim of such bitter pain.
Saturday dawned slowly. Bringing no relief.
Darkness claimed eternal love, blinding me with grief.
Then Came Sunday and Jesus Christ arose
Crushing the enemey, conquering all His foes
Hallelujah, King Jesus has prevailed.
Satan claimed the victory, then came Sunday!
– Ron Hamilton –
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