Summer Choir Service

Last Sunday we held a Summer Choir Service and invited a nearby church and a missionary family to join us. We also invited several unsaved friends and family members to come and hear the choir sing about what the Lord has done for us.

(Often when the choir or individuals sing we refer to them as “specials”, I think I prefer a phrase I’ve heard before, a “testimony in song”, or something similar. Their singing is special, but so is the singing of a congregation of individuals whose heart’s are praising God. Anyway, I digress.)

Following the morning service we had lunch on the grounds and then at 2pm started our Summer Choir Service. The choir sang four songs, two of the young ladies in the church sang a duet and the Normans, a missionary family working in Southampton, sang for us. We also had two congregational hymns. Both were picked as favourites. One little boy, who is about 3, picked “Hallelujah for the Cross!”

Following the singing I preached on 8 Reasons I Believe the Bible.

All the music and the sermon will be available on the church website

I want to thank the Lord for all He has done, to thank all involved in preparing the afternoon meal and to thank the choir for all their hard work.

UPDATE: The only singing “errors” on the day were mine. 🙂

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