This morning I had an early start to take Jason Rishel to Bristol airport (up at 3am). I’ll mention Jason in another blog, as well as Camp Joy and the staff that did such a fantastic job last week.
However, what I want to mention now is the opportunity taking Jason to Bristol has afforded me.
The Book Barn is Europe’s largest second hand book shop. It has over 5 million books in stock. Alan Campbell and Nicola, a young lady in the church studying to be a librarian, travelled with me.
We were given the chance to browse the books in storage where customers cannot normally go. After two hours of browsing we barely scratched the surface.
I was able to get a few old hymn books as well as a book by Sidlow Baxter.
We have been able to view and handle books several hundred years olds.
A few things have struck me.
1. What gives value to a book? The cover? Content? Age? Condition? Whatever it may be, and I think all apply, no book begins to compare to the Word of God.
2. Does everyone value books? No, they don’t, certainly not equally. Nicola is studying to be a librarian and she has a rare appreciation for books. In fact, I may have to leave her here for her parents to collect another day!
It is the same with the Bible. Not everyone appreciates the Bible equally, and few love God’s Word as we ought.
The Book Barn is great, and certainly gives much to consider.
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