Politics. When do politics and faith meet. How much open debate by Christians on politics is profitable? When does something appear to be political, but is really a matter of faith? When does a concern that touches our faith seem to be purely political? All good questions that lead to the reason for this post.
With President Putin recently returned to power, a strengthening alliance between Russia and Islamic states in the Middle East, a distancing of Russia from many in the West, and Iran’s continued threats and steps towards developing the weapons to destroy Israel, I believe there are political stirrings that impact Scriptural principles.
For those reasons I wanted to post something quickly here this evening. First is a video demonstrating that “Obama has done more to delegitimise Israel than any president in American history”.
Second, I want to link to two articles detailing some of the implications of current events:
1. OBAMA TO ISRAEL, “THERE IS TOO MUCH LOOSE TALK OF WAR”: Meets with Netanyahu today.
Have no doubts that the same world system that is at work to bring about the destruction of the people of Israel is the same world system that is anti-God and wants to suppress and oppress Christians.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for God to win His people back to Himself, that they would recognise Jesus Christ as their Messiah.
Pray too for believers around the world to stand fast on the Scriptures and to have an earnest desire to share the Gospel boldly and effectively.
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