The Necessity of Prayer – Prayer and Faith – EM Bounds

51xonLSbrqL. SL160

“Just so far as the faith and the asking is definite, so also will the answer be”

Faith is an operation of God, a divine illumination, a holy energy implanted by the Word of God and the Spirit in the human soul-a spiritual divine principle which takes of the supernatural and makes it apprehendable by the faculties of time and sense.”

“God is the great objective of our faith”

“Faith is not believing just anything; it is believing God, resting in him, trusting His Word.”

“Faith grows by reading and meditating upon the Word of God. Most, and best of all, faith thrives in an atmosphere of prayer.”

“Faith makes prayer effectual, and in a certain important sense, must precede it.”

“…faith does not bring the blessing, yet it puts prayer in a position to ask for it…”

51xonLSbrqL. SL160 “For almost a century Edward McKendree Bounds’ (1835-1913) books on prayer have been classic works, stimulating and inspiring Christians to develop a fuller prayer life and become prayer warriors. A forceful writer and deep thinker, Bounds spent the last nineteen years of his life reading, writing, and praying. He rose at 4 a.m. daily for many years, and was indefatigable in his study of the Bible.

As breathing is a physical reality to us, so prayer was a reality for Bounds. He took the biblical command “pray without ceasing” almost as literally as animate nature takes the law of the reflex nervous system, which controls our breathing.”

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