“Importunate prayer is a mighty movement of the soul toward God. ”
“This wrestling in prayer may not be boisterous nor vehement, but quiet, tenacious, and urgent. Silent, it may be, when there are no visible outlets for its mighty forces.”
“Prayer has everything to do with molding the soul into the image of God, and has everything to do with enhancing and enlarging the measure of divine grace.”
“…Christ teaches that importunity conquers all untoward circumstances and gets to itself a victory over a whole host of hindrances.”
“Importunate praying never faints nor grows weary; it is never discouraged: it never yields to cowardice, but is buoyed up and sustained by a hope that knows no despair, and a faith which will not let go.”
“Importunity is made up of intensity, perseverance, patience, and persistence. The seeming delay in answering prayer is the ground and the demand of importunity.”
“Love of ease, spiritual indolence, religious slothfulness, all operate against this type of petitioning.”
“We have need, too, to give thought to that mysterious fact of prayer-the certainty that there will be delays, denials, and seeming failures, in connection with its exercise.”
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