“By preaching, the Church of Christ was first gathered together and founded, and by preaching, it has ever been maintained in health and prosperity.” By preaching, sinners are awakened. By preaching, inquirers are led on. By preaching, saints are built up. By preaching, Christianity is being carried to the heathen world. – There are many now who sneer at missionaries, and mock at those who go out into the highways of our own land, to preach to crowds in the open air. But such persons would do well to pause, and to consider calmly what they are doing. The very work which they ridicule is the work which Christ Hismself undertook. The King of kings and Lord of lords Himself was once a preacher. For three long years He went to and fro proclaiming the Gospel. Sometimes we see Him in a house, sometimes on the mountain side, sometimes in a Jewish synagogue, sometimes in a boat on the sea. But the great work He took up was always one and the same. He came always preaching and teaching. “Therefore,” He says, “came I forth”.
“Let us leave the passage with a solemn resolution never to “despise prophesying.” (1 Thessalonians 5:20.) The minister we hear may not be highly gifted. The sermons we listen to may be weak and poor. But after all, preaching is God’s grand ordinance for converting and saving souls. The faithful preacher of the Gospel is handling the very weapon which the Son of God was not ashamed to employ. This is the work of which Christ has sais, “Therefore, came I forth”.
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