Special Music by Ashleigh and Rebekah

Tonight was a very proud moment for me as a father and pastor. My daughter, Ashleigh (8) and one of her friends in the church, Rebekah (7), sang a special in church. They have been practising for weeks and have asked repeatedly if they could sing together.

Ashleigh and Rebekah were saved at a similar age and baptised in the same service. They love God and as they sang this evening I know it was a blessing to everyone. Click the link to hear them sing:

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God has given us
a book full of stories,
Which was made for
His people of old,
It begins with the tale of a garden,
And ends with the city of gold.

But the best is the story of Jesus,
Of the babe with the ox in the stall,
Of the song that was
sung by the angels,
The most beautiful story of all.

There are stories
for parents and children,
For the old who are ready to rest,
But for all who can
read them or listen,
The story of Jesus is best.

For it tells how He came
from the Father,
His far-away children to call,
To bring the lost sheep
to their Shepherd—
The most beautiful story of all.

– Maria Penstone

It is an old and wonderful hymn from one of the hymn books we use.

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