
Isaac and Rebekah: (3) The Importance of Character

In seeking a wife for Isaac, Abraham emphasized the importance of character and faith over external factors like appearance, wealth, or status. Rebekah is described as “very attractive in appearance”fair to look upon,” but it’s her actions that truly reveal her character – her kindness, industriousness, and willingness to step out in faith.

When given the choice to go with Abraham’s servant, Rebekah doesn’t hesitate. Her quick response demonstrates courage and faith, willing to leave everything familiar for an unknown future. This echoes Abraham and Sarah’s own faith journey when he left his homeland at God’s call.

In a world that often prioritizes outward appearance and temporary, material success, this story reminds us of what truly matters to God. 1 Samuel 16:7 tells us, “…the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”

For those seeking a spouse, this passage underscores the importance of looking beyond surface-level attractions to a person’s character and faith. We need to look beyond even what we can see and perceive, and seek God’s guidance. For all of us, it’s a call to cultivate godly character in our own lives – more importantly, the fruits of the Spirit.

Today, reflect on your own character. Are you cultivating the qualities that God values? Are you seeking those qualities in a potential husband or wife? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas where you need growth, and take steps to develop these traits. Remember, character is formed through consistent small choices over time. Each act of kindness, each decision to be honest, each step of faith, shapes who we become.

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