Speaking the Truth in Love
What About Conspiracies? Did aliens construct the pyramids? Did giants build stone henge with Merlin? Were the Nazca Lines alien runways? Was there a second shooter behind the grassy knoll? Did the moon landings really happen? History is filled with truth, lies, myths, and legends. For some reason, although the truth is usually stranger than…
Like many, I went to bed last night aware of the powerful, life-threatening storms that were sweeping through GA and other southern States. This morning I awoke to news of the devastation. Many have described their towns as looking like a warzone. As supercells produced tornadoes school buildings collapsed, business fell, and homes seemingly disappeared.…
I enjoy reading the sermons of C.H. Spurgeon, and on occasion, I will quote him. Every now and then a sermon so impacts me that I feel like sharing the entire thing. That happened today as I read his sermon, “An Address for Sad Times”. While I won’t share the entire thing, I want to…
One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. Psalm 27:4 It is not always a defect to mind one thing at…
Unless otherwise noted, all quotes are taken from EM Bounds’ book, The Necessity of Prayer. “That is not to say, however, that the mere form of these words as they occur in the Bible have in them any saving power. But the Word of God, be it remembered, is impregnated with the Holy Spirit.” “The…
Unless otherwise noted, all quotes come from EM Bounds’ book, The Necessity of Prayer. The Need for Vigilance – We are Soldiers at War “The Christian soldier, if he fights to win, must pray much.” “‘Praying always, with all prayer,’ is the divine direction given him. This covers all seasons, and embraces all manner of…
Unless otherwise noted, all quotes come from EM Bounds’ book, The Necessity of Prayer. Defining Obedience “What is obedience? It is doing God’s will: it is keeping His commandments. How many of the commandments constitute obedience? To keep half of them, and to break the other half-is that real obedience? To keep all the commandments…
I want to share some reflections on 2 Kings 6:8-12 from our sermon yesterday morning at Bedford Bible Church. It’s February 1885 and seven young men, having completed a farewell tour across the United Kingdom prepare for a long and arduous journey to China. Just reading the names of these men reveals something of their…
Unless otherwise noted, all quotes come from EM Bounds’ book, The Necessity of Prayer. What Do We Mean by Character and Conduct? “Prayer governs conduct, and conduct makes character. Conduct is what we do; character is what we are.” “Character is the state of the heart, conduct is the outward expression. Character is the root…
Unless otherwise noted, all quotes are from EM Bounds’ book, The Necessity of Prayer. “Our Lord was seeking to teach that laxity must be guarded against, and persistence fostered and encouraged. There can be no two opinions regarding the importance of the exercise of this indispensable quality in our praying.” “Importunate prayer is a mighty…